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Guinea pig antibody to VGluT1


Code OSV00112W

eLab Book

Osenses Protocols: Western Blot




1. Run the SDS-PAGE at 250V.


2. Soak the gel for 10 min in transfer buffer then rinse it with Di water.


3. Soak the membrane for 5 min in Di water.


4. Semi-dry transfer at 10 V.

5. After transfer, rinse once the membrane with PBS and then wash 3x, 5 min each with 2xPBS in 100 ml. Shake at 50 RPM.


6. Block with 1xPBS containing 1% LFDM for 30 min at RT with shake at 50 RPM.


7. Rinse with 70 ml of PBS.


8. Incubate O/N in the fridge (3-5C).


9. Wash the membrane 5 times (5 min each) with PBST.  Wash in 100 ml with shake 50 RPM.


10. Add Osenses Rabbit anti Gp adaptobody, then the Sigma HRP-Goat anti Rb (diluted 1: 20,000). Add 6 ml per membrane (6x8 cm). Incubate 30 min to 1 hour at RT with 50 RPM shake.


11. Wash 4 times (5min each) with shake 50 RPM with 100 ml of 200 mM NaCl-T containing 0.1% Tween-20.


12. Wash 6 times more with 100 ml of PBS with shake 50 RPM.


13. Prepare the ECL substrate from BioRad.


14. Scan the blot on C-Digit at High resolution (12 minutes).

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